Free shipping Only withing 5 KM from Our Store
0466 945 477 Get Quote

Shipping Policy

  • Our Shipping’s Fee are free within 5 Km from Our Store Address No 5 Gilpa Road, Pendle Hill NSW 2145.
  • If your Location is having distance mor than 5 KM , there will be a Delivery Charge .Currently Shipping Fee not included in the Order Charge. So it will be Charged Separately .
  • Delivery Charges Not Included in the Price
    *From 5 Gilba Road,Pendle Hill to 5 km Area free delivery
    *5km to 10 km $15 delivery charge
    *10 to 25 km $25 delivery charge
    *25 to 50 km $50 delivery charge
    *And to Victoria $30(max 25kg)
    *to QLD $45 (max 25kg)
    *to TAS $50 (max 25kg)
    *to Adelaide $35(max 25kg)
    *to WA $60 (max 25kg)
    *to Canberra $25(max 25kg)